Many months in the planning, numerous sleepless nights, and endless conversations about healthy erections later, here we are: Numan. A new venture providing medicines for men, and knowledge for everyone.
For us it's a mission as much as it is a business. A start of a journey — hopefully one we'll share together - one in which we aim to learn, improve and adapt as we grow.
We built Numan for many reasons, but these five seem like the most important and pertinent to share...
Be the man you want to be
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise (not least that little — or occasionally booming — voice we all have in our heads). But things can get in the way this; of enjoying our precious 27,375 days on Earth (here’s the math). We’re here to help with those things. Not everything but some of the big ones that we think really matter.
Ultimately, we want to help you find and be the man you want to be, whether that’s climbing a mountain, feeling a little more chilled on Tuesday night, or growing an impressive beard. Or all three. Or something else altogether. Whatever is important to you.
Support systems are useful (so says science)
Family, lovers, that guy who has randomly started talking to us on the 8.15 train (thanks Mark). We all, hopefully, have a support system in some capacity. Numerous studies have shown a robust link between social and emotional support from others and improved health.
But there’s always room to make them deeper and richer - and there are some areas we think lacking. Sexual health for one.
Despite huge steps forward in the way men deal with personal issues, in a survey for Mind, 52% of men still said they felt uncomfortable in opening up. And, in Numan’s own survey, when it comes to erectile dysfunction, many men still don’t seek treatment - of the 66% who said they’d experienced ED, less than half had sought help. Whether this is down to embarrassment or lack of proactivity around their general well-being, there’s clearly work to be done.
It’s our intent to provide a support system around key issues affecting men. That might be tips and strategies to do things a little smarter, or connecting you with the medication, knowledge and people who can help.
Because reliable erections are better than erratic ones
Erections can be complicated. For all of us. That’s one reason why, for Numan’s launch, we made treating ED a focus.
Despite roughly half of the population owning a penis, and, on the last count, over 100 million men globally experiencing erectile difficulties, it remains, like many things in our underwear, a taboo issue.
What’s more our survey points to it be a growing issue for younger men, with 55% of guys between the age 25-35 saying they had ED in some form or another.
The good news: treating the symptoms is simple and effective, and we can help. Numan provides affordable, licensed pharmaceutical products which are medically proven to deliver, and simple to access.
Why more younger men are experiencing ED? That’s a much more complex issue, and one we hope to shed light on, on this blog and in the wider public conversation.
Knowledge is, and always will be, power
Yes it’s a cliche. But, unlike ‘there’s no such thing as a stupid question’, this one is largely based on fact.
To celebrate humankind, no matter how unusual
Starting with treatment for ED, then effective solutions for thinning hair, we’ll be expanding out into other fields of male self-care over the coming months. Medication, advice and knowledge where we think it’s most needed.
But we’ll also be searching out and celebrating the myriad journeys different men — and women — have taken, and are taking, to find and be the man or woman they want to be.
From the actionable to the inspiring, via the brilliantly weird, this is as much a space to explore and celebrate the human condition, as it is provide the tools and knowledge to take care of yourself - inside and out.
Welcome to Numan, and to the Numankind journal. We’re thrilled to have you here. Read, ponder, debate and contribute as you see fit.